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Nursing service management in Voronezh region in the context of healthcare system reform

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-05-01
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A.V. Kryuchkova(1), O.V. Vavilova(2), V.V. Ponomareva(2), N.V. Mukovnina(3), S.T. Smirnova(3) 1-Nursing Institute, N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Russian Health Ministry 2-Voronezh Region Healthcare Department 3-State Healthcare Institution Voronezh Regional Hospital № 1.

The nursing management process is of strategic importance and closely interlinked with ensuring human resources. Nursing staff is an important component of the modern healthcare system, which has real opportunities to meet people’s needs of conceivable medical care. The healthcare system reform, which takes place in Russian Federation nowadays, requires the improvement of the current nursing system in order to educate professionals with secondary medical education according to modern requirements. To reform the nursing system, Voronezh Region Healthcare Department – as an executive healthcare authority - used all the available methods and techniques to impact the nurse services of subordinate institutions for available resources to be used in the most effective way.

healthcare system reform
education of nurses
nursing service

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