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Problems and prospects of training specialists for the provision of comprehensive social-medical and psychological-pedagogical assistance in higher medical education system

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-06-01
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A.B. Khojayan, N.A. Fedko, A.S. Kalmykova Stavropol State Medical University, Russian Health Ministry

Training bachelors in the provision of socio-pedagogical and socio-medical services in a medical university has a number of advantages. First of all, this is the use of the personnel and educational and methodological potential of clinical departments and practice bases of a medical university, which allows to provide multidisciplinary training of specialists for the system of social protection, education, physical culture and sports. In addition, the training of future bachelors and masters at a medical university makes it possible to ensure the formation of a new concept and ideology for the provision of medical care based on an integrated, interdepartmental approach and interdisciplinary technologies, and the provision of training in the profiles and specializations of training is focused on strategic national goals and priorities, urgent social problems modern Russia.

professional training of bachelors of the humanitarian profile
social and medical assistance
psychological and pedagogical assistance for nurses

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