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Interpersonal interaction model by Hildegard Peplau

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-06-04
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N.V. Turkina Reaviz University, Saint Petersburg

The main points of Interpersonal interaction model by H. Peplau were formulated in 1952. In subsequent years, they have not undergone significant changes and remain relevant up to now. According to this theory, nursing is a practical discipline whose purpose is to facilitate the productive transformation of the energies of interacting parties. Therefore, a therapeutic, interpersonal patient-nurse interaction that functions in concert with others to achieve a healthy state is important. The activity of a nurse is a purposeful interpersonal process of interaction between a nurse and a patient. The patient is an independent system with biochemical, physical and psychological characteristics and needs, among which the most important component is psychological. Health is a productive level of activity that enables interpersonal communication and solving developmental problems.

nursing education
professional training for nurses
the nurse
nursing training
Nursing Affair
Nursing Affair theories
nursing education

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