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Nursing in Israel: An Overview of Professional Training, Competencies, Practice Settings, and Working Conditions

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-08-07
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С. Konson, North-West State Medical University named after I. I. Mec-hnikov Russian Health Ministry. Department of the Southern District, Israeli Ministry of Health

The Israeli health care system has been changing in recent years towards improving the qualifications of nursing professionals. Israel has decided at the state level to form the maximum possible staff of nursing specialists with higher education and the broadest possible qualifications – thus the category of “practicing nurses” is constantly decreasing in proportion to the total number of specialists. Due to the continual increase in life expectancy and the expansion of the of the senior citizens group within the total population, Israel – like most developed countries – faced a shortage of medical personnel in general, and nursing specialists in particular. To address this problem, the Israeli Ministry of Health has developed a specialized programme to encourage training in the profession of nurses, with an emphasis on training specialists with high academic education and specialization in specific areas of healthcare. This article provides an overview of nursing professional training system and the categories of nurses, in Israel, describes the working conditions and nurses rights protection issues, and demonstrates the status of nursing professionals and their level of autonomy in professional decision making.

Nursing in Israel
Israeli nurses’ professional training
Israeli nurses’ competencies
Israeli nurses’ working conditions

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