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Allen’s theory. MCGILL model

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2021-02-10
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N.V. Turkina, Reaviz University, Saint Petersburg

The model is based on the search and accumulation of information about the preservation and promotion of health, both in relation to individuals and the family, as well as defining the role of nursing in promoting health. In this context, the model should provide the creation of a theoretical basis for nursing and thus contribute to the further development of nursing as a science of interaction with the goal of promoting health (M. Allen, 1986). The author described her model as “health through development”. She acknowledges the important contributions of other researchers to the advancement of nursing science and points to the overall direction of the model and the concept of health inherent in it.

nursing education
nursing education
nursing theory
Moyra Allen

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