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Digitalization – new reality for teaching pharmaceutical workers and graduates’ future work

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2021-04-06
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Yu.G. Il’inova, D.N. Maimistrov, V.V. Presnyakova, I.A. Kochanova, D.S. Lisitsky, E.M. Davydova Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University, Russian Health Ministry

Today, all sectors of the economy are experiencing the impact of digitalization, and the pharmaceutical industry is no exception. The transformative impact of digitalization will affect not only the demand by the labor market for new competencies of graduates, but also the conduct of the educational process in pharmaceutical education programs. The search for effective solutions to update educational programs for the training of pharmaceutical personnel, taking into account the views of employers in the pharmaceutical industry, is the key to training demanded graduates who are able to apply and introduce modern digital technologies at all stages of drug circulation. The article was prepared on the basis of the materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation «Digitalization of the education system and the labor market: a new reality for the system of training pharmaceutical personnel».

pharmaceutical workers’ training
digitalization of pharmaceutical education
digital transformation of the pharmaceutical industry
advanced training of pharmaceutical workers
professional development of pharmaceutical personnel

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