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Preventive recommendations for students’ weight gain during distance learn-ing

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2021-07-05
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V.M. Orlova, M.O. Larionova, M.A. Peregontseva Medical Institute of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia University

Тhe article analyzes one of the problems that arose in a third of the students of the medical institute of RUDN during the distance learning period, namely, weight gain. To study this problem, the role of inactivity as a cause of weight gain among students was considered. The main measures to pre-vent weight gain are also given. After studying the theory about this problem, a questionnaire was compiled for students of the medical institute of RUDN on the Google Forms. The survey showed that 36% of the respondents had increased weight, and the rest of the respondents had a risk of weight gain. After analyzing the results of the online survey, the main factors of weight gain among students of the medical institute of RUDN were identified, and then recommendations for the pre-vention of weight gain were compiled on the basis of these factors.

weight gain
physical inactivity

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