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Hip dysplasia: pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, analysis of the activities of a nurse in caring for sick children

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2024-02-09

N.M. Shustikova(1), L.F. Nemtyreva(1), K.I. Grigoryev(2), N.E.Polyakova(1), A.Yu. Pinigena(1), M.V. Eliseeva(1)
1-Faculty of Medicine, Moscow Financial and Industrial University «SYNERGY»
2-N.I. Pirogov’s Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow

Hip dysplasia is a very common disease and the main type of congenital anomalies of the musculoskeletal system in young children. Timely detection and targeted treatment of the disease can improve the quality of life of patients and prevent complications that can lead to the development of disability. The article discusses the causes of the disease, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and principles of treatment of hip dysplasia, and the tactics of a nurse working with this category of sick children. Modern principles of rehabilitation associated with treatment regimens depending on the severity of the pathology are considered, the characteristics and content of the functional conservative method of treatment are given. The place of physical rehabilitation methods is determined, the main methods and techniques are characterized, including new organizational solutions: complex impact and multidisciplinary approach. The role of close contact with parents, constructive interaction between doctors, nurses and rehabilitation specialists is noted.

hip dysplasia

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