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Nursing Department students’ «clip» thinking as a psychological-pedagogical and scientific-methodological problem

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-06-03
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G.V. Akimenko, A.M. Seledtsov, Yu.Y. Kirina Kemerovo State Medical University, Russian Health Ministry

As the goal of the research, the authors set a task to find new ways of conducting educational activities while studying at the faculty of Nursing, taking into account the predominance of clip thinking among modern students. The article deals with the actual problem of clip thinking of modern students, identifies the reasons for the formation of clip thinking of modern young people, reveals the main characteristics of clip thinking, highlights the main features of clip thinking carriers, offers specific methods and techniques for working with clip thinking/consciousness in the classroom. It shows the possibilities of using a variety of methodological techniques and tools in the course of studying psychology, which simultaneously take into account the specifics of clip consciousness of modern students and help to use its strengths in the educational process. In connection with the above, we see the need to create alternative educational programs, changes.

clip thinking
cognitive style
methods of teaching psychology
computer and communication technologies digital generation
information competence

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