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Program for physical rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19 associated pneumonia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-08-03
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V.E. Malikov, M.M. Rybka, M.A. Zatenko, I.N. Orlov, L.V. Petrunina. M.A. Arzumanyan, S.A. Danilov A.N. Bakulev National Medical Research Center of Cardiovascular Surgery, Russian Health Ministr

Severe lesions of the respiratory system and other body systems lead to disruption of their function, reduced ability to work and the quality of life, which dictates the need to develop effective personalized rehabilitation programs for patients with COVID-19. Despite the fact that the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has not been sufficiently studied both in terms of the course of the acute period and the recovery period, the severe consequences of this infection dictate the need to search for the most effective methods of rehabilitation both during inpatient treatment and after discharge. The proposed program for the physical rehabilitation of patients who have undergone COVID-19 associated pneumonia covers all periods of medical care: in the acute phase - in the intensive care unit, in the subacute phase - in the infectious diseases wards of the hospital and for the period of outpatient rehabilitation treatment after the patient’s return home.

physical rehabilitation
coronavirus infection
stationary stage
breathing exercises
physical rehabilitation program
inpatient treatment

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