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Actual questions of diagnostics and treatment of B12- deficiency anemia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2021-01-07
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V.V. Skvortsov, D.A. Shtonda, A.A. Eremenko, K.A.Durnoglazova Volgograd State Medical University, Russian Health Ministry

Cyanocobalamin (B12) deficiency occurs in different countries and regions. It is detected with the same frequency among men and women (50:50). B12-deficiency anemia usually develops in middle-aged and elderly people. An increase in this disease has been noted in people who do not consume meat and dairy products. Therapy for B12-deficiency anemia is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of the development of megaloblastic anemia. This is, first of all, correction of nutrition, abolition of drugs “guilty” in the development of megaloblastic anemia, deworming, treatment of other diseases that caused anemia.

cyanocobalamin (B12)
megaloblastic anemia
folic acid
intrinsic factor Castle
gastritis type A
glossodiniya secondary hemolysis
Jolly bodies and rings Kebot
packed red blood cells

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