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Medical support in prisons at the current stage of development of penitentiary medicine

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2021-07-12
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T.V. Matveichyk(1), V.I. Petrov(2) 1-State Educational Establishment «Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education», 2-Еducational Establishment « State Pedagogical University», Republic of Belarus

Humanity of the society is shown regarding the most dependent and vulnerable groups, including and vulnerable groups, including children, women and persons with restriction of personal freedom. Observing the principles of biomedical ethics in correctional facilities (CF) is actual for modern society. This is realized through the prevention of violence in prisons, which is one of the CF medical personnel. Based on the international documents and other regulations, criteria for assessing the quality of health care for special CF contingent in the Republic of Belarus have been proposed. The role of the diseases caused by compulsion (iatrogeny, egrotogeny) and their prevention among the special contingent has stressed.

correctional facilities
medical nurses
special contingent

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