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Personal protective equipment during the spread of a coronavirus infection COVID-19

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2021-08-09
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E.S. Vdoushkina, E.I. Povalyaev, A.E. Sukhanova Samara State Medical University, department of tuberculosis and pulmonology. Russia, 443099, Samara, Pionerskaya str., 48.

n connection with the spread of a new coronavirus infection the question of means of protection against this infection not only of workers of medical organizations, but also of citizens, especially persons over 65 years of age and those working in the service sector, has become acute. Transmission of the virus SARS-CoV-2 occurs more often by airborne droplets between people with close contact through an aerosol - «small drops» that a patient releases when coughing, sneezing or talking. A distance of 1 m between people is considered safe. Depending on the type of work performed professional groups are divided into the following categories of risk of coronavirus infection: extremely high occupational risk; high professional risk; average occupational risk; small professional risk. Personal protective equipment (PPE) for ordinary citizens includes masks, gloves, antiseptics. Survey were conducted on social networks, 360 people took part in the survey. At the time of the start of the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection 83.3% of respondents experienced a shortage of personal protective equipment, 48.9% observed the rules for using PPE, 38.9% believed that masks didn’t protect against the virus; used the mask for several days 60%; 28.9% of respondents had cases in a circle of acquaintances In a similar survey a year later compliance with the rules for the use of PPE increased to 89.9%, especially their use in public places, only 16% believe that masks do not protect against the virus. The accessibility of purchasing masks, the possibility of obtaining them for free has improved. The number of persons using a mask for several days has decreased, 72.2% of respondents use disposable masks, a respirator is used by 27.8% of people. The presence of sick people in the bosom of family and relatives is noted by 88.9%. Confidence and awareness of the need to wear masks, especially in public places, has increased significantly.

coronavirus infection COVID-19
personal protective equipment

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