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A model of psychological support for medical workers in a COVID hospital

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-02-10

Nazaryan S.E.(1), Petrova V.V.(1), Sedin V.I.(1), Sagadeeva E.M.(2), Botina I.A.(3)
1-FSBI «State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyana», 123098, Moscow, Russia
2-FGBOU IN Tyumen State Medical University, 625023, Tyumen, Russia
3-State Budgetary Healthcare Institution «Consultative and Diagnostic Polyclinic No. 121 of the Moscow City Health Department» Branch No. 4., 117216, Moscow, Russia

Work in quarantine conditions, or in the so-called “contagious” zone, is characterized by high psycho-emotional stress - the leading factor in the development of negative mental states. The solution of problems related to the development of medical and psychological support for medical personnel involved in providing care to patients with a new coronavirus infection in hospital conditions is due to the need to prevent the formation of mental states in them, leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of professional activities and, ultimately, to functional disorders and diseases. A number of preventive and preventive measures to monitor the psychological status of medical personnel, as well as to prevent the development of psychodesadaptation disorders in the delayed period, have been developed at the Burnazyan State Medical Research Center of the FMBA of Russia.

medical personnel
psychoemotional state
professional burnout
psychological examination
organization of psychological support
quarantine and restrictive measures.

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