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Checklist for the distribution of patients into risk groups for metabolically associated fatty liver disease: features of use in the hospital admissions department

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-04-04

A.V. Borsukov(1), D.Yu. Venidiktova(1), S.A. Borsukov(2), P.A. Ivanov(1),
I.V. Petuhov3
1-Smolensk State Medical University, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Fundamental research laboratory “Diagnostic researches and minimally invasive technologies”. Krupskoy street 28, Smolensk, Russia, 214019
2-Clinical City Hospital No. 1, department of diagnostic and minimally invasive technologies. Frunze street 40, Smolensk, Russia, 214006.
3-Clinical Emergency Hospital. Tenisheva street, Smolensk, Russia, 214000.

Relevance: due to the widespread prevalence of obesity, metabolic syndrome and associated fatty liver disease, as well as due to the lack of an integrated approach to diagnosing the components of metabolically associated fatty liver disease, it is necessary to search for the possibility of early diagnosis already at the level of the admission department of a multidisciplinary hospital. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the checklist used in the distribution of patients into risk groups for metabolically associated fatty liver disease in tne hospital admissions department. Materials and methods: in 2019 - 2022 the study was conducted of patients with overweight or obesity (n=74) according to anthropometric data, admitted for treatment to a multidisciplinary hospital in the following profiles: gastroenterology, cardiology, surgery, pulmonology, of which 41 women (55.4%), 33 men (44.6%), mean age 42±4.2 years. For the distribution of patients into groups, taking into account the risk factor for the occurrence of metabolically associated fatty liver disease, a checklist developed for this study with a score and quantitative ultrasound steatometry of the liver was used. Results and Discussion: correlation of quantitative ultrasound steatometry data with a comprehensive assessment of the presence of metabolic syndrome according to the checklist corresponds to r=0.85 (in the 1st group of patients); r=0.76 (in the 2nd group of patients); r=0.89 (in the 3rd group patients). In the control group 1, patients of the admission department with normal body weight (number of points according to the checklist no more than 2) were examined - liver steatosis without signs of inflammatory activity and liver fibrosis was detected in 7 patients (15.9%). Conclusions: the use of a checklist by paramedical staff for assigning patients to risk groups for metabolically associated fatty liver disease can reduce the time to detect the disease at an early stage, as well as reduce the time to detect the disease at an early stage, as well as reduce excessive unreasonable workload on ultrasound and radiation diagnostics units.

emergency room
liver ultrasound
liver steatosis
nursing practice.

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