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Factors of mutual influence of dental and gastrointestinal health

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-04-12

G.S. Brudyan(1), V.D. Mikhailov(2)
1-State Autonomous Health Institution of the Moscow Region, «Voskresensk Dental Polyclinic» 140209, Moscow Region, Voskresensk, ul. Zapadnaya, 14, [email protected]
2- Leningrad Regional Hospital

Dentistry and gastroenterology are two medical specialties that are directly related to each other. They are concerned with the treatment and prevention of oral and gastrointestinal diseases, respectively. Although they deal with different parts of the body, there are many connections and interactions between them. Some oral diseases can be linked to GI diseases. For example, diseases of the stomach and intestines can cause tooth enamel erosion and gum deterioration. Therefore, when patients are evaluated by dentists, it is necessary to pay attention to possible signs of GI disease and refer the patient for a consultation to a gastroenterologist if necessary. Proper oral hygiene and timely treatment of oral diseases can help prevent many gastrointestinal health problems. In turn, treating GI disease can help improve oral health and prevent certain dental and gum problems.

Gastrointestinal diseases
gastrointestinal diseases
Crohn’s disease
gastroesophageal reflux disease
chronic gastritis
gastric and duodenal ulcer
dental nurse.

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