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Malnutrition in preschoolers in Moscow and Galich. Can we clearly judge the problems?

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2022-04-02
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L.V. Bogomaz(1), S.N. Borzakova(2), A.E. Tikhomirova(1), E.N. Makarova(3), K.I. Grigoriev(1),
1- Russian National Research University, Moscow, 2-Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medical Management, Moscow,3- Galich District Hospital

The article reflects the results of an examination and questioning of 60 preschool children in two cities – Moscow and Galich, Kostroma region, in terms of compliance with age-specific nutritional rules and compliance with generally accepted norms regarding calorie content of food and macronutrient intake. It turned out that about half of the children experience «hunger» for calories and macronutrients (the main sources of energy). The reasons in most cases lie in the lack of awareness of parents in reliable information about the rules of nutrition. In developing guidelines for the management of calorie and macronutrient deficiencies, a full assessment of dietary diversity is essential. It is important for medical workers to master the methods of monitoring proper nutrition, to be able to teach parents to use these methods. It is proposed to make full use of the modern nutritional support algorithm.

nutrition control

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