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Prevention of vision disorders in schoolchildren computer overlooked

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2022-06-01
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S.V. Slavina, T.V. Potupchik, L.S. Evert , Yu.R. Kostyuchenko

Prevention of visual impairment in people with irrational (excessive) use of a computer, the study of the clinical manifestations of the negative impact of a computer on the body and, especially, on the organ of vision, is an urgent problem of modern medicine. The article presents basic information about the structure of the organ of vision, describes the negative effects of excessive computer use, includes the clinical manifestations of computer vision syndrome and its component - dry eye syndrome, and details approaches to the prevention and treatment of visual impairment associated with the irrational use of a computer. The authors come to the conclusion that the approach to the prevention and treatment of pathological changes in the body (primarily on the part of the organ of vision) caused by the irrational use of a computer should be comprehensive, including recommendations for optimizing the mode and conditions of working with electronic computer devices, as well as the use of various ophthalmic agents (herbal and pharmacological) in a complex of preventive and therapeutic measures.

nursing practice

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