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Sarkisyan Narine

Academic degree – Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ekaterinburg), Associate Professor of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases.

Sarkisyan N. G. is an authoritative researcher and a recognised specialist in clinical medicine. He has more than 100 publications, 8 patents. He is engaged in educational activities in Russia and abroad, on new treatment technologies, drug development and complex clinical patients. She gives a series of lectures at the Faculty of Advanced Medical Education, as well as in regional and city polyclinics. Repeatedly served as a jury member of the periodontology competition at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Periodontology (Moscow), at the Tver Medical University, and as a practice supervisor in therapeutic dentistry. Member of the Coordination Council of ‘Energetics of Biological Systems’. Conducts scientific research in various areas of fundamental dentistry and immunology in co-operation with institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, departments of the Ural Federal University.

Head of the Dental Organisation Management profile in the Ural State Medical University Master's programme in Public Health.

Member of the Dissertation Council D. on scientific speciality Immunology. Author of the project and supervisor of medical devices development at NPO VECTOR.


  • Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk region ‘For many years of fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity’.
  • Diploma of the Head of Verkh-Isetsky District Administration ‘For many years of conscientious labour, high professionalism, great contribution to health improvement of the population’.
  • Medal ‘Excellent Dentist’.
  • Certificate of Honour of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.
  • Letter of Gratitude from the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.

A book about N.G. Sarkisyan was written by the Ural author V. Sutyrin ‘Narine - to love a patient’.

For more than 15 years she has been the chief doctor of the network of dental clinics Denta OS (Ekaterinburg), she conducts systematic medical treatment of city and regional patients.

e-mail: [email protected]