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Volunteering as a key factor of developing social responsibility for future medical workers

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-03-02
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T. V. Potupchik, I. L. Belykh, P. Y. Lebedeva FSBEI HE Krasnoyrsk State Medical University named after V. Voyno-Yasenetsky

The article is dealt to the most common form of youth social activity - volunteering. The role of volunteering in the spiritual and moral education of future medical workers is shown. There are several ways of the volunteer movement of medical students: supporting cancer patients in a hospice, managing social campaigns of helping orphans, the elderly and the disabled; educational work on the organization of a healthy lifestyle and activities aimed at protecting and protecting the environment. A study is presented among 360 studying departments of «Nursing», «Pharmacy», «Laboratory Diagnostics» of the Pharmaceutical College of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, the purpose of which was to study the role of volunteering in the formation of social responsibility among students of the Pharmaceutical College. The results of the study showed that most of the students in all departments are aware that volunteer work is gratuitous work for the benefit of other people and they perceive it as a manifestation of altruism, as well as the opportunity to improve the quality of life of others. Half of the students in all departments are or would like to volunteer because of the desire to answer people with good for good. A third of students in all departments would like to gain experience in a certain field in this way. At the same time, the interrogated students of the Nursing Affair Department consider volunteering as an opportunity to put their knowledge into practice (29.2%). The majority of students in all departments think helping orphans and the elderly people (70.8%, 62.8%, 54.6%, respectively) the most interesting ways in volunteering. Donation is of most interest to students of the Laboratory Diagnostics department (41.2%). 10% of students in all departments are interested in the development of patriotism. The students of the nursing department turned out to be the most awared of volunteering. The most important personal qualities of the volunteer, in their opinion, are benevolence, responsibility, resistance to stress and industriousness.

nursing education
medical college
social activity
training of nursing personnel
volunteer work of nurses

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