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Characteristics of the TB institution nurses’ attitude to their professional activities

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-03-05
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P’anzova T. V.(1), Vezhina N. N. (1), Sivolozskaya N. S. (2) 1-FSBEI HE Kemerovo State Medical University, 2-Kemerovo Regional Clinical Phthisiopulmono-logical Medical Center

In this study, the purpose of which was to explore the attitude of the nurses of the TB institution to professional activities, 61 specialists were questioned. It was found that the most significant reasons for the lack of effect from the treatment were considered by the nurses as drug addiction of patients (35%), severe clinical forms of tuberculosis (26%) and associated diseases (24%), and the patient’s low adherence was the main obstacle to its quality organization. The greatest confidence in communicating with patients was shown by nurses with a work experience of 5 to 10 years, and the ability to empathize with the problems of the patient was higher in the group of nurses with experience of 11 years or more, they also expressed a greater willingness to work with severe patients. For the most part, nurses of an anti-TB institution are not ready to assume broader authority in anti-TB work and consider their role as an assistant to a doctor, only 24.6% are ready to expand nursing responsibility in the anti-TB system.

patient care
nursing care in the treatment of tuberculosis
qualification of a nurse
nurse’s functions

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