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Paramedic service – a unique unit of Orenburg healthcare system

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-04-03
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L. I. Kaspruk Orenburg State Medical University

Paramedics are unique specialists in the Russian healthcare system. The role of a paramedic is to provide medical and preventive care to almost all categories of the population - adult patients, children, the elderly, disabled, pregnant etc. Often, the paramedic – as working in the primary care department – has to solve complex diagnostic and tactical issues. This means that this specialist is required to be highly qualified in providing first aid, carrying out preventive measures, pre-medical reception of patients, and providing integrated patient care. The study analyzed the activities of paramedical workers, in particular paramedics, in the Orenburg region. On the basis of a sociological study (questionnaire), features of the conditions for the provision of medical care were identified, a modern description of the activities of paramedics was given. The main development trends are shown, as well as the problematic facets of staffing are identified. The results of this work bring us to the conclusion that it is necessary to maintain and develop paramedic-obstetric centers in the primary health care system for the rural population, especially in the area with a low population density, one of which the territory of the Orenburg region is.

paramedic-midwifery stations
primary health care
rural population
Orenburg region

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