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Hygienic procedures and ears care for patients in severe

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-04-10
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N.S. Novikova, T.N. Kuzmina, A.M Morozov, A.D. Morozova, A.N Sergeev. Tver State Medical University, Tver.

In this article the physiological mechanisms of cleaning the auditory canal, the algorithms for conducting the toilet of the external auditory canal by nurses for both children and adults, as well as the method of removing sulfuric plugs, are considered. Hygienic procedures for the external auditory canal is essential part of our daily routine. This procedure is about cleaning the ear canal of earwax. It has to be done individually. For patients in severe, who are incapable to do it themselves, the nurse provides cleaning the external auditory canal.

ear care
sulfur plug
seriously ill patient
paramedical staff
nursing care for severely ill patients
nursing care

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