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The study of the content of 11-hydroxycorticosteroids in blood plasma in children with uveitis

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-04-11
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O.S. Komarov, M.R. Gusevа, E.A. Slesareva, M.O. Komarova Pirogov Russian national research medical University, Moscow regional research clinical Institute named After M. F. Vladimirsky.

The article contains the information about 73 children with uveitis of various etiologies having free and protein-bound forms hydrocortisone and corticosterone. At the same time, the most pronounced increase in the hydrocortisone content was found, both free and associated with a positive ophthalmological effect when prescribing anti-inflammatory therapy in combination with angioprotectors, antioxidants and hormonal drugs, which is important for understanding the nature of the inflammatory process and is necessary to increase the efficiency of the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory children eye diseases..

nurse in ophthalmology
nursing care in ophthalmology
inflammatory eye diseases in children

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