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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-05-09
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V.D. Trifonov, A.S. Eiberman V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University, Russian Health Ministry

The paper presents information on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, methods of examination and diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the course of opisthorchiasis - helminthiasis from the group of flukes, affecting mainly the hepato-biliary system and the pancreas. Opisthorchisis (Opisthorchisis) - helminthiasis, affecting mainly the hepatobiliary system and the pancreas, characterized by a long course, occurring with frequent exacerbations, contributing to the occurrence of primary liver and pancreatic cancer. Opisthorchiasis is caused by two species of trematodes of the Opisthorchidae family: Opisthorchis felineus and Opisthorchis viverrini. Opisthorchiasis diagnosis, according to the clinical picture of the disease, is difficult due to the absence of symptoms and syndromes character-istic only for this disease. Great difficulties are encountered in recognizing the early phase of opisthorchiasis. The article provides recommendations for prevention measures in the focus of the disease.


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