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Key issues in providing care to patients with coronavirus infection in a redesigned infectious diseases hospital

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-08-04
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E.E. Kurpe, M.I. Likstanov, V.R. Gatin, V.G. Moses S.V. Belyaev Kemerovo regional clinical hospital

An analysis of foreign and domestic sources showed that almost without exception, the existing health care systems turned out to be unprepared for the mass appeal of sick patients – problems arose in logistics, financing, personnel and material support, which led to partial or complete pa-ralysis of the medical care system. March 20, 2020 L.A. Reshetova Regional Clinical Perinatal Center – a unit of “S.V. Belyaev Kemerovo regional clinical hospital”- was transformed into an infectious diseases hospital. The hospitalization of pregnant women was temporarily suspended in the institution and 476 beds were deployed on its squares, of which 358 were supplied with oxygen and 279 beds had the ability to connect ventilators. The article presents the experience of nurses in assisting patients with coronavirus infection in a redesigned COVID-hospital.

medical care organizing
the role of nursing
medical care

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