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Mitral valve prolapse in children: when opportunities create difficulties

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2021-01-04
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Grigoryev K.I., Solovieva A.L. N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russian Health Ministry

The article is devoted to mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and its role in children and adolescents, in the population. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of MVP criteria, the use of algorithms that exclude its overdiagnosis, as well as a high frequency of complications. The interrelation of this pathology with connective tissue dysplasiaе and the inappropriateness of classifying the defect as a group of minor heart anomalies are emphasized. Primary MVP is an independent disease. There is no proven basis to consider it a marker or “affiliation” of systemic connective tissue dysfunction. The frequency of MVP complications is associated with the presence of severe regurgitation on the valve and, with the correct diagnostic criteria, is 4-10 times less than previously assumed. Attempts to assign MVP to the Minor Heart Anomalic group reflect a misinterpretation of echocardiography and understanding of valve anatomy. The tactics of treatment and prevention of MVP in pediatric practice have been substantiated

mitral valve prolapse
complications of mitral valve prolapse
connective tissue dysplasia
minor heart anomalies
magnesium preparations

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