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Implementation of advanced technologies and improvement of the educational environment of Tyumen region Tyumen Medical College according to modern standards, including WorldSkills Russia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2021-04-05
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Marina M. Makarova, PhD, Director of SAPEE of Tyumen region «Tyumen Medical College», [email protected] Elena M. Fedorova, Head of Educational and Methodological Department, SAPEE of Tyumen region «Tyumen Medical College», [email protected]

In 2019 SAPEE of Tyumen region «Tyumen Medical College» won a grant in the competitive selection within the framework of the event «State support of professional educational organizations in order to ensure that their material and technical base meets modern requirements» of the federal project «Young Professionals», which made it possible to create five workshops: «Medical and Social Care», «Laboratory Medical Analysis», «Medical Massage», «Pharmaceuticals», «Orthopedic Dentistry». The article provides information on the main functions of workshops, activities that allow to increase the level of implementation of the competence-based approach in training specialists in accordance with modern standards and advanced technologies, including WorldSkills Russia standards.

WorldSkills Russia standards
educational environment
WorldSkills Russia Regional Championship
demonstration exam

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