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The nurse’s role in the new healthcare model

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2021-07-02
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V.V. Sayfetdinova National Association of Healthcare Organizations and Governors

4P-Medicine is a convergence of systems medicine, big data, healthcare and social media focused on patients (consumers). Please note that the whole concept was built on the basis of the joint work of medical workers of all levels and the patient in order to preserve his health. The main idea of the concept of 4P-medicine is to provide all the available possibilities of fundamental science to a specific patient. Precision - sighting accurate, focusing on minimal medical interventions in the patient’s body with the maximum use of the body’s own recovery capabilities! It is in this kind of medicine that patients want to believe today. And it is precisely for such medicine that the medical community and the state are tuned in. Therefore, it is necessary to voice the request for the training of the nurse of the future, endowed with new knowledge and new powers.

preventive medicine
increased patient awareness of their health issues
a new model of healthcare
the role of a nurse in transformation
requirements for the professional training of a nurse of the future

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