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Peculiarities of drug therapy in pediatrics: help of a nurse in organizing medical care for children

DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.29296/25879979-2022-01-01
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K.I. Grigorуev(1), L.A. Kharitonova(1), O.F. Vykhristyuk(1-2), L.F. Nemtyreva(3), Z.A. Rakhmatullina(2) 1-Pirogov’s Russian state national research university of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation 2-Peoples’ Friendship University Medical Institute of Russia 3-Sechenov’s First Moscow state medical University of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

The use of drugs in pediatrics has a number of features and is associated with a number of applied problems. Medical workers are often faced with the prescription of drugs «off-label», lack of drugs in appropriate doses for children and, accordingly, with the need to develop appropriate dosage forms. The article discusses the issues of the safety of the use of drugs in children and the principles of drug provision in pediatrics. The issues of drug provision in pediatrics are considered. It was shown that the largest number of children’s dosage forms was registered in the group of drugs acting on the central nervous system, mainly in the subgroup of analgesics. In the groups of drugs that act on the cardiovascular system, regulate metabolic processes, for the treatment of infectious diseases, children’s dosage forms are presented in an extremely limited number, and in the groups of drugs for the treatment of malignant neoplasms and diagnostic drugs, there are simply no special pediatric dosage forms. The topic is a continuation of an article published in the journal «Medizinskaya Sestra» /Nurse (Rus) in 2020 (Grigoriev K.I. and Vykhristyuk O.F, «Medicines and children. Problems of the XXI century»: vol. 22, №1: 5-14)

organization of pharmacotherapy
children’s dosage forms

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