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The practice of using hippotherapy on the basis of the equestrian club «Battle» with the participation of medical volunteers from the Institute of Nursing Education

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2022-05-04
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T. V. Demidova, V. A.Terletskaya
Irkutsk state medical university Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Institute of Nursing Education,
e-mail: [email protected]

Practitioners have repeatedly proved the effectiveness of the unique rehabilitation method of hippotherapy, which simultaneously has a positive effect on the physical and psycho-emotional sphere of patients. The article highlights the history of the emergence of the “therapeutic horse riding” technique, medical indications for its use. The preparation of a horse for work with disabled riders is described in details. It also shows their own experience of classes with sick children. Classes are held on specially trained horses with the participation of student volunteers from the Institute of Nursing Education. Active participation in the preparation of patients and their parents for classes, in conducting training, contribute to the development of both general competencies and personal development tasks in students.

therapeutic horse riding
medical volunteers
patient rehabilitation

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