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Nurse protection against parenteral infections in the workplace

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2022-05-06
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N.S. Veretina, I.V. Ostrovskaya
Medical Institute, People’s Friendship University of Russia,
e-mail: [email protected]

The article is devoted to the results of a study of nurses’ protection from occupational parenteral infections. The study examined the risks of infection by parthenteral infections for nurses, the use of information education to prevent occupational infection by parthenteral infections, self-assessment of compliance with measures to prevent occupational infection by nurses and workplace organization in healthcare organizations in Moscow. This paper will also discuss the problem of HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis in the workplace, and will describe measures to prevent occupational contamination with blood-borne viral infections in the workplace.

parenteral infections
workplace organization
safe injection
medical waste management

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