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Economic analysis аssortment of medications and the volume of their consumption in Older patients diagnosed with COVID-19 using the example of Antibiotic use

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2022-07-02
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E.P. Gladunova(1), Ya. E. Shirobokov(1), E.S. Vdoushkina(1), N.N. Kareva(2), E.A. Borodulina(1),
1-Samara State Medical University, Ministry of Health Care of Russia, 89 Chapaevskaya St., Samara, 443099, Russia,
2-Saint-Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical University, Ministry of Health Care of Russia, Russia,197022, Saint-Petersburg, 14 Prof. Popov St.
e-mail: [email protected]

The aim of the study was to analyze the assortment of drugs and the volume of their consumption in patients of older age groups diagnosed with COVID-19. Materials and Methods. We analyzed 218 case histories of patients with coronavirus infection who were treated in a covid-hospital, successfully treated and subsequently discharged. Groups of hospitalized patients aged over 65 years (study group) and under 65 years (comparison group) were formed. Age, anamnestic, clinical, and laboratory data were studied using standardized databases of patients with COVID-19 (State Registration Certificates No. 2020622119 and No. 2021621990). The main drugs used to treat patients, the volume of their consumption were studied. Retrospective, logical, graphic, analytical methods of research were used for analysis. Static processing of the obtained data was performed using Statistica 10.0 application software package. Results and discussion. Antimicrobial drugs, and immunosuppressive drugs to reduce excess immune inflammation were leading in terms of money. Schemes and costs of antibiotic therapy did not differ significantly, in patients older than 65 years imipenem prevailed, in ORIT there was prescription of linezolid, vancomycin and aquapenem. Conclusions. The course of COVID-19 with lung involvement, hospitalized for inpatient treatment, was approximately similar in elderly and working-age patients, but arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus predominated among concomitant diseases in elderly patients. The practice of treating new coronavirus infection made its adjustments in improving the provisional guidelines.

coronavirus infection
community-acquired pneumonia
drug provision.

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