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Osteoporosis: prevention of fractures with OSTEOMED FORTE by PARAFARM

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2022-08-02
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M.D. Kashpanov, V.V. Popov, I.A. Novikova
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Objective of the study. To study the literature data on the problem of osteoporosis and prevention of osteoporotic fractures with the help of “Osteomed forte” by “Parafarm”. Material and methods. Analysis of the literature data about osteoporosis and prophylaxis of osteoporosis fractures with the help of “Osteomed forte” by “Parafarm” was carried out. Results and discussion. A dynamic growth of osteoporosis incidence in many countries was noted. Obtained a direct link between osteoporosis fractures and cardiovascular risk in men and women. They showed that the most severe and costly of all osteoporotic fractures is the fracture of the proximal femur. This is associated with frequent disability and high mortality of patients at both hospital and outpatient stages of care. We’ve found out that Osteomed Forte (manufacturer - Parafarm, Russia) is one of the most effective drugs which allows to make the bones grow together in optimal terms and accelerate the process of rehabilitation after osteoporosis fracture. Conclusions. Thus, the use of the drug Osteomed Forte by “Parafarm” (Russia) can be recommended in patients with osteoporosis for prevention of osteoporosis fractures with taking into account the personalized approach while choosing treatment tactics of a patient.

Osteomed forte

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