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The role of the nurse in measles prevention

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-03-08

Y. M. Erеmushkina, T.C. Kuskova

During the implementation of the measles elimination program in the Russian Federation, active detection of all cases of measles is of great importance. With the help of government and international programs, in which WHO participates, and others in which the World Red Cross is involved, the efforts of nurses and other health workers are helping to increase measles vaccination rates and prevent the spread of this dangerous infection. Some countries also face problems of negative public attitudes towards vaccination, which can lead to low coverage and spread of diseases. Nurses must convince the population of the need for vaccination and combat myths and misinformation about vaccines. Nurses play an important role in the fight against measles and other infectious diseases through the organization and administration of vaccinations, community education and disease data collection.

epidemic situation

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  2. Управление Роспотребнадзора по г. Москве. Информационное письмо от 10.02.2023. http://77.rospotrebnadzor.ru (дата обращения: 02.02.2023)
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