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The role of a nurse in the stage-by-stage diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2023-04-07

A. S. Ivanyuk, P. V. Seliverstov, E. S. Ivanyuk
Military Medical Academy of S.M. Kirov, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Complete and high-quality work of a primary care physician is impossible without the participation of highly qualified nursing staff, including in the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Considering the importance of the problem, we have developed criteria for the stage-by-stage diagnosis of GERD, taking into account the work of the polyclinic and hospitals. The examinations were carried out as follows: 4 stages of diagnosis, starting from the primary level and ending with a specialized center. At the first stage, doctors, with the active participation of polyclinic nurses, assessed subjective complaints and the clinical picture of the disease. At the second stage, the patient first undergoes diagnostic esophagogastroscopy with chromoscopy and biopsy of visually altered areas of the esophageal mucosa, then ultrasound examination after filling the stomach with liquid. At the third stage, the patient is examined in a specialized gastroenterological center, where a number of additional studies are carried out for the patient. Further, patients with the results of all examinations and medical reports are sent to the thoracic surgery center (the fourth stage), where patients are selected for surgical treatment. Currently, the implementation of this scheme in practical healthcare and the active participation of nursing staff in identifying patients with GERD symptoms has significantly increased the diagnosis of GERD at early stages and timely treatment.

gastroesophageal reflux disease
nursing practice.

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