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Key aspects of developing standard operating procedures

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2024-03-07

Yu. Markelova, M. Bogacheva, E. Sokolova, N. Sukhotinа, I. Tichina
Healthcare Institution City Clinical Hospital No. 52 of the Moscow Department of Health, Moscow

In modern medical practice, standard operating procedures play a crucial role in ensuring quality medical care. The development and implementation of effective SOPs require a systematic approach and active participation of medical personnel. This article discusses the stages of developing standard operating procedures and outlines the fundamental principles of developing SOPs in healthcare institutions. Drawing on the successful experience of a State Budgetary Healthcare Institution «City Clinical Hospital №52 of the Moscow City Health Department», the authors highlight key aspects and provide recommendations based on practical experience for the implementation of standard procedures to enhance the efficiency and safety of medical care. The authors analyze the importance of standardizing processes in healthcare and discuss the key stages of creating and implementing SOPs, including forming professional teams, engaging experts, and justifying the legislative framework. The research findings can be valuable for methodologists, senior nurses, and healthcare institution leaders seeking to improve the quality of medical care through the systematization and standardization of operating procedures.

standard operating procedures
development of SOPs
practical experience
quality of healthcare.

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