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International cooperation in the field of forensic medical examination

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2024-03-10

S.N. Zverkov(1), I.O. Pecherey(2)
1-Regional State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Belgorod Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination”, E-mail: [email protected]
2-Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian University of Medicine” Of the Ministry of Health of The Russian Federation, Moscow.

Forensic medicine plays a key role in the international legal system, providing scientifically based evidence for the resolution of court cases. The importance of this discipline extends beyond national borders, requiring specialists to continually exchange experience, knowledge, and innovative technologies [1]. Intermediate medical staff, including nurses, laboratory technicians, and technologists, play a vital role in maintaining the high quality of research and expertise. In light of globalization and international crimes, forensic medicine faces the need for unified standardization of methods and procedures, which is possible only on the basis of enhanced international cooperation.

ensic examination
international cooperation
standardization of methods
DNA identification
international protocols
forensic medicine
international organizations
victim identification
biological weapons

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