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Possibilities of using the natural nootropic agent “Memo-Vit” in the prevention and complex therapy of various types of dementia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2024-04-03

D.G. Elistratov, “Parapharm” LLC, Penza, mail: [email protected]

The article deals with the problem of increasing cases of dementia on a global scale. The latest statistical data and forecasts on the spread of the disease are given. The main reasons for the emergence and progression of pathology are highlighted. Modern means of its prevention and treatment are characterized. The composition of the nootropic drug of natural origin “Memo-Vit” is analyzed, the prospects of using this drug in the prevention and complex therapy of dementia are evaluated.

vascular dementia
atrophic dementia
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench
Rosa majalis
HDBA organic complex
drone homogenate.

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