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 Svetlana Ledentsova

Academic degree – Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Place of work: Svetlana Ledentsova Clinic LLC, chief physician. Consultant Consultative and Diagnostic Centre of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education FSBI НРЕ «SPbSPMU» МОН Russia.

18 years of practical experience in her speciality.

President of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the Interregional Public Organisation of Trichologists and Hair Research Specialists ‘Professional Society of Trichologists’.

Creator and head of the social project for acne patients ‘Let's conquer acne together’, which was included in the top 20 best social projects among dermatologists in the competition at the World Dermatological Congress in Madrid in 2020.

Member of the Union of Trichologists.

Member of the Professional Society of Trichologists.

Member of EHRS (European Hair Research Society).

Member of ITS (International Trichoscopy Society) - International Trichoscopy Society.

Full member of the European Scientific Society (headquarters in Hannover, Germany).

Regular speaker of international and domestic profile conferences.

e-mail: [email protected]