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Grigoriev Konstantin Ivanovich     

Doctor of Medical Sciences, academic rank - Professor. Full member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences.

Place of work: Faculty of Further Professional Education, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor at the Department of Pediatrics with infectious diseases in children.

Research interests: paediatrics, organisation of health care, gastroenterology, nursing, sanatorium management.

Publications: 560 scientific and scientific-publicistic printed works, more than 40 textbooks and monographs. Major works include:

- "Pediatrics. Handbook for Practitioners" (2014),

- "Pediatrics. A Diagnostic and Treatment Manual" (2015),

- "Pediatrics. A Guide to Outpatient Practice" (2020),

- "Gastrointestinal bleeding in children",

- "Meteoprophylaxis in paediatrics",

- "Meteobarocorrection of ecologically dependent conditions and human diseases",

- "Adaptation and stress in childhood" (2018),

- "Intestinal diseases in childhood" (2018),

- "Emergency care in paediatric practice" (2020),

Co-author of textbooks for pediatric faculties of universities "Pediatric diseases" and "General care of children", textbooks for medical schools and colleges "Pediatric diseases" and "Pediatrics with pediatric infections" (2017), "Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric patients" (2019), "Features of nursing care for children" (2016), etc.

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