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Vykhrystyuk Olga Filippovna

Academic degree - Doctor of Medical Sciences, academic rank - Professor. 

Place of work: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University", Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Pediatrics named after Academician M.Y. Studenikin, Faculty of Medicine and Professor of the Department of Endocrinology, Faculty of Pediatrics.

She is the author of more than 360 publications on various areas of medicine in domestic and foreign scientific literature (RINC, VAK, Scopus, Web of Scince), 24 monographs, textbooks for students of medical universities. With her participation textbooks for doctors were prepared under the grants of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Department of Health of Moscow.

Prof. Vykhrystyuk has made a significant contribution to the training of highly professional specialists, constantly passes on her experience to young doctors. She systematically conducts clinical rounds in hospitals, gives lectures and practical classes for specialists and senior students. For many years she has been providing consultative assistance to doctors of ZAO Moscow and Mytishchi district of Moscow region.

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

E-mail: [email protected]