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The place of telemedicine in modern healthcare

DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.29296/25879979-2022-02-08
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S. Bakaeva, D. Tsurcumia, P. Seliverstov, V. Shapovalov North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint-Petersburg, Department of biotechnical systems Saint Petersburg state Electrotechnical University «LETI» Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Recently, telemedicine has become one of the successful options for using information and communication technologies, the increased interest in which has provoked the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the use of innovative telemedicine programs makes it possible to detect the disease at the early stages of its development and start treatment in a timely manner, which undoubtedly increases the effectiveness of therapy and reduces the risk of adverse development of the disease. The introduction of remote technologies makes medical care available not only for residents of remote areas, but also for working and busy patients who often do not have enough time to go to the doctor. In this connection, telemedicine has become an important tool for the interaction of patients with medical professionals, including nurses. The effective use of telesestrinstvo allows you to: expand healthcare services, establish access to medical services, improve the quality of life of patients, adjust the volume of services provided and protect the confidentiality of medical information. Thus, the use of technologies of the medical decision-making support system, including those accompanied by telesistration, improves the quality of medical care, reduces the examination time and, ultimately, contributes to the prevention of the development of diseases.


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