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Actual aspects of professional orientation in secondary medical education

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2020-04-05
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L. I. Kaspruk Orenburg State Medical University

Nowadays, the labor market, including the labor market of nurses, demands high level of the skills from educational institutions graduates. The economic efficiency of not only the graduate himself, but also the medical institution where he will come for working depends on the level of professionalism, on how well the general and professional skills are formed - the quality professional indicators of a specialist. In this study, which was conducted with using the sociological method of questioning, the social significance of the problems of the labor market of nursing medical personnel in the system of secondary professional medical education is revealed. The market model of career guidance allows the choice of a specialty and the subsequent labor route to graduates of secondary medical educational institutions.

secondary medical education
professional orientation

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