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Resistance of the moose fly (Lipoptena cervi) to repellents

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25879979-2022-08-05
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V.P. Kutsenko(1), A.Ya.Yasynova(1), D.D. Kovaleva(1), O.M. Lustina(3),
P.V. Seliverstov(2,3)
1-St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia of the Russian Federation, 194100, St.Petersburg, st. Lithuanian, d.2
2-FGBU «National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, st.Akkuratova, d.2
3VMedA im C.M. Kirov, St.Petesburg
E-mail: [email protected](

The bloodsucking deer (Lipoptena cervi, L. 1758), also known as the “moose fly”, “moose louse”, “deer ked” (English) is a widespread specialized bloodsucking parasite of warm-blooded, belonging to the family Hippoboscidae, the order of diptera. The function of flying individuals is to find a host and settle down. This form in the development cycle of the deer bloodsucker is very important, if the bloodsucker does not attack the host within a few days, he will die. This explains her activity and the intrusiveness of the attack, including on a person. In addition to causing inconvenience during contact, the moose fly is a carrier of vector-borne diseases such as Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis, babesiosis, rickettsiosis. At the moment, there are no effective means and measures within the framework of prevention and protection from elk fly bites. Repellents that are widely available to the public do not have a protective effect against the insect.

moose fly
effectiveness of the repellent.

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