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Ivanyuk Elena Sergeevna

Academic degree – Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Military Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Kirov Military Medical Academy’ of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the 2nd Department (Advanced Medical Therapy) of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the 2nd Department (Advanced Medical Therapy).

Elena Sergeevna is a member of the Russian Cardiology Society, Botkin Society of Therapists. She has more than 30 printed works, including 1 patent.

In the sphere of scientific interests of E.S. Ivanyuk introduction of artificial intelligence in the educational and training process. Development of professional retraining programmes on specialty ‘Therapy, “Family medicine (general medical practice)”, “Gastroenterology” and advanced training programmes on specialty “Dietetics”, “Ultrasound in gastroenterology”.

e-mail: [email protected]